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一天:                周四
日期:               2021年12月30日
时间:              上午9点开始
地点:        社区中心,罗伯特·鲍勃·克罗威尔董事会威尼斯官方网站登录


• The State of Nevada and 卡森城 are currently in a declared State of Emergency in response to the global pandemic caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) infectious disease outbreak. In accordance with the applicable Directives issued under authority of the Governor’s Declaration of Emergency, 包括指令045和047, 并受州或联邦法令或指导方针的任何潜在变化的影响, 亲自出席威尼斯官方网站登录时,必须戴上面罩.

• Members of the public who wish only to view the meeting but do NOT plan to make public comment may watch the livestream of the 监事会 meeting at www.卡森.或者点击威尼斯官方网站登录日期旁边的“正在进行中”, 或者调到有线电视191频道. 威尼斯官方网站登录的直播仅是出于礼貌和方便公众的考虑. 卡森城 does not give any assurance or guarantee that the livestream or cable channel access will be reliable. 虽然所有合理的努力将提供直播, 超出市政工作人员控制范围的意外技术困难可能会推迟, 中断或呈现不可用的连续直播功能.

• The public may provide public comment in advance of a meeting by written submission to the following email address: publiccomment@卡森.org. 载于威尼斯官方网站登录记录或供参考, your public comment must include your full name and be submitted via email by not later than 3:00 p.m. 威尼斯官方网站登录的前一天.

• Members of the public who wish to provide live public comment via telephonic appearance in lieu of physical attendance may do so during the designated public comment periods indicated on the agenda by dialing the numbers listed below. 公众评论将以每人三分钟为限. 如果您不希望发表公开评论,请不要通过电话加入.


威尼斯官方网站登录编号:2496 492 4928

1.    召开威尼斯官方网站登录——监事会

2.    点名

3.    效忠誓词

4.    公众意见:* *
公众在这个时候被邀请评论和讨论任何相关的话题, 或者在这个公共机构的权力范围内.


5.    职员记录器

 5.A .可能采取的行动:讨论和可能采取的行动,以二读通过第. 116, an ordinance revising various provisions of the 卡森市市政法规 (“CCMC”) 政府erning the process by which election ward boundaries may be realigned, revising various CCMC provisions relating to meetings of the 监事会 and repealing CCMC provisions describing districts of wards. (Aubrey Rowlatt, arowlatt@卡森.org)

Staff Summary: 建议条例, 如果采用, would make various changes to CCMC Chapter 2.第02条规定监事会的某些行政规定, including the manner by which election ward boundaries may be realigned and the conduct of meetings of the 监事会.

 5.B可能采取的行动:讨论和可能采取的行动,在二读时通过第2号法案. 117, 通过采用一个新的卡森市来重新调整选举区边界的法令, 内华达州官方监事会选区边界图, as required by the 卡森城 Charter and the 卡森市市政法规 (“CCMC”) and pursuant to the results of the 2020 United States decennial census. (Aubrey Rowlatt, arowlatt@卡森.org)

员工总结:根据适用法律, once every ten years the 监事会 must redistrict and reapportion the boundaries for the four election wards in 卡森城 following the federal decennial census. 建议条例, 如果采用, would redistrict and reapportion by realignment the boundaries for the four wards represented by the Supervisors of the 监事会, 基于2020年美国十年一次的人口普查数据.

6.    监事会


休会或休庭后的, the 卡森城 监事会 may gather to meet with its management representatives or to receive information from an attorney employed or retained by the City regarding potential and/or existing litigation involving matters over which the public body has supervision, 控制, 有管辖权或咨询权,并对问题作出决定.

7.    公众意见:* *
The public is invited at this time to comment on any matter that is not specifically included on the agenda as an action item.  不得就本议程项目下提出的事项采取任何行动.

8.    可能采取的行动:休会

**PUBLIC COMMENT LIMITATIONS - 市长 and Supervisors meet at various times as different public bodies: the 卡森城 监事会, 卡森市酒类和娱乐委员会, 卡森市重建局, 以及卡森市卫生局. 每一个, 被要求执行命令, will provide at least two public comment periods in compliance with the minimum requirements of the Open Meeting Law prior to adjournment. Public comment will be taken at the beginning of the agenda before any action is taken and again at the end before adjournment. No action may be taken on a matter raised under public comment unless the item has been specifically included on the agenda as an item upon which action may be taken. 市长, Mayor Pro-Tem or Chair may call for or allow additional individual-item public comment at the time of the body’s consideration of the item when: (1) the comment will be provided from a person who is directly involved with the item, such as City staff or an applicant; or (2) it involves any person’s or entity’s due process appeal or hearing rights provided by statute or the 卡森市市政法规. Comments will be limited to three minutes per person to facilitate the efficient conduct of a meeting and to provide reasonable opportunity for comment from all members of the public who wish to speak.

Agenda Management Notice - Items on the agenda may be taken out of order; the public body may combine two or more agenda items for consideration; and the public body may remove an item from the agenda or delay discussion relating to an item on the agenda at any time.

议程项目的标题旨在确定具体事项. If you desire detailed information concerning any subject matter itemized within this agenda, 我们鼓励您致电相关机构或城市经理办公室. You are encouraged to attend this meeting and participate by commenting on any agendized item.

Notice to persons with disabilities: Members of the public who are disabled and require special assistance or accommodations at the meeting are requested to notify the 城市经理’s Office in writing at 201 North Carson Street, 威尼斯官方网站登录, 89701, 或至少提前24小时致电(775)887-2100.

To request a copy of the supporting materials for this meeting contact Rachael Evanson at revanson@卡森.Org或致电(775)887-2100.

本议程和备份信息可在伦敦金融城网站www上查阅.卡森.org/agenda和城市经理 's Office - City Hall, 201n. 威尼斯官方网站登录卡森街2号(775)887-2100.

